Atlanta Spritual Formation  Collective

We are like-minded and like-hearted friends.

We are passionate about Christian spiritual formation in Atlanta.

We are spiritual directors, laypeople, leaders, counselors and friends who tend to souls.


Christian spiritual formation is the process of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and for the sake of others.

Spiritual Formation is a process, but it is also a journey through which we open our hearts to a deeper connection with God. We are not bystanders in our spiritual lives, we are active participants with God, who is ever inviting us into relationship with Him.

Formation is an organic, life-long, and holistic process involving right thinking (orthodoxy), right behaviors (orthopraxy), and right feelings (orthopathy) of individuals and communities.

Books & Podcasts to get started: Bill and Kristi Gaultiere, Journey of the Soul; M. Robert Mulholland, Invitation to a Journey; Ruth Haley Barton, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership; Howard Thurman, Jesus and the Disinherited

ThinSpace podcast; Transforming Center podcast; Gravity Leadership podcast; Emotionally Healthy Leader podcast

A helpful article by contemporary writer Richard Foster on “Maturing the Spiritual Formation Movement”


Spiritual direction has been called “holy listening.” In spiritual direction two persons pledge to journey for a time to listen together for God’s voice in one of their lives. Through listening and reflecting, in a confidential setting of prayer and encouragement, we seek to discern God’s leading. This is for anyone who seeks to grow closer to God and to cultivate a more meaningful and conscious relationship with God. You do not have to be a monk, nun, priest or minister to receive (or give) spiritual direction. Historically, this ministry flourished especially among the “ordinary” folks.

Director and directee meet in the presence of God who transforms. 

Spiritual direction assumes God is at work in every area of our lives -- our relationships, our work, our leisure and quiet. God is present in our doubt and frustration and pain as well as in our certainty, our joy, and our healing. Sometimes it is difficult to discern the Spirit’s presence or movement, or to follow God’s call. God is the real Director of our lives, but an experienced companion (spiritual director) can often help you hear or notice what is real and respond. 

Spiritual direction is a contemplative prayer practice. “Contemplative” meaning being with God in the place where God dwells (within me); “Prayer” meaning conversing with God about the things we do together. This conversing includes such activities as speaking, listening, waiting, asking questions, delighting in, etc. Committing to various prayer, and specifically contemplative prayer practices, nourishes a life with God and supports growth through spiritual direction. 

Books we like: Henri Nouwen, Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith; Susan Phillips, Candlelight: Illuminating the Art of Spiritual Direction, Jeannette Bakke, Holy Invitations, Margaret Guenther, Holy Listening

Looking for a director? We recommend our friends at Cloudwalk and The Agape Center for Spiritual Formation.


Through the ages, Christians have sought to commune with God, to connect with the Trinity in meaningful ways like keeping the sabbath, reading the Bible, memorizing Scripture, fasting, giving, lectio divina, retreating along. Jesus models many ways that He enjoyed the Father: feasting, going to the beach and to the mountains, healing, preaching, teaching, spending time with children. We like Henri Nouwen’s definition a lot: “A spiritual discipline is anything we do to create space in our lives where God can speak and act.” 

Books we like: Adele Calhoun, Invitations from God; Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline; Ruth Haley Barton, Invitation to Solitude and Silence, Dallas Willard, The Spirit of the Disciplines; The Renovare team has put together short index of different practices on their blog Begin Here.

A wonderful and helpful video on how Jesus designed His life: HERE


  • Experienced in the ways of the soul due, in part, to the faithful attention they have given to their own spiritual journey

  • Gifted and practiced in discernment and listening to the Spirit

  • Called and committed to cultivating a life of listening and spiritual accompaniment

  • Experienced in a variety of spiritual disciplines that open us to God

  • Able to maintain a prayerful, contemplative stance as they are accompanying others

  • Trained through a recognized training program

  • In spiritual direction himself/herself and is also in ongoing supervision

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